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  • The CLI now supports listing and showing assets as well as editing an asset's properties and settings.
  • The GUI now provides an option for clearing all filters on any list page.
  • The table filters are now included in the URL to allow bookmarking and sharing with others.


  • Breaking change - Storing properties in the Git repository now uses a different folder structure. See the Git repository storage options for reference.
  • Keyboard shortcuts have been added to allow the table header filters to be accepted (ENTER) or cancelled (ESC)


  • Resolved various issues that restricted users' ability to interact with the table header column filters.



  • The GUI now includes:
    • filtering for all list pages
  • The CLI now supports running changes in Enterprise projects.


  • When a Git remote creation or update fails, an event is now logged with the failure details.
  • Project, environment and asset codes are now automatically converted to lowercase on creation.



  • The step response now includes:
    • an optional name value
    • an optional data JSON object
  • OpsChain now includes a secret vault that can be used to store secrets. Secrets can be used within your actions.rb and referenced in your OpsChain properties. See the actions reference and properties reference for more information.
  • The GUI now includes:
    • an activity page to display the most recent change and workflow activities
    • a manage activity page where you can approve and continue changes and workflow runs
    • a manage security page where you can view existing security rules


  • Upgraded OpsChain DB image to PostgreSQL 17.1.
  • Upgraded Rails to 7.1


  • OpsChain no longer uses the OPA authorisation provider. Authorisation rules are now defined within OpsChain itself, using the authorisation rule API endpoints



  • The properties and settings versions responses now include:
    • the created_at timestamp.
    • a link to the properties owner.
  • The step response now include a link to the change that the step belongs to.
  • Enterprise projects now support workflows, allowing you to sequence multiple changes into a single workflow. Workflows also support wait and approval steps to control the flow of change execution.
  • The GUI now allows you to compare different versions of properties and settings.


  • The properties_versions link in the properties version response has been renamed to versions.
  • The settings_versions link in the settings versions response has been renamed to versions.
  • error:controller:unhandled type events are now assigned the error:api:controller:unhandled type to differentiate them from resource controller exceptions.
  • RecordNotFound, UnpermittedParameters and UnsupportedIncludeError exceptions are no longer logged as events by the API.
  • If a fetch of a project's remote Git repository fails an event will be logged. Subsequent fetches within that hour will not log additional events to avoid flooding the event tables. Note: This event throttling also applies to the automated fetch that is performed every minute on workflows Git remotes.
  • OpsChain events can now be linked to more sources. See the events documentation for the full list.
  • More OpsChain system events have been added. See the events documentation for the full list.
  • The GUI JSON editor for properties and settings now expands to the full height available in the tab.



  • The step approve API now accepts an optional message - see the API documentation for more details.
  • The step continue API now accepts an optional message - see the API documentation for more details.
  • A step reject API is now available to allow changes that are waiting for approval to be rejected - see the API documentation for more details.
  • The step API now includes the change ID - see the API documentation for more details.
  • The CLI now supports rejecting changes that are waiting for approval via the opschain change reject subcommand.
  • All GUI screens that display multiple records (e.g. projects, changes, assets, etc.) now include a CSV export button that allows you to export the records to a CSV file.
  • The GUI now includes an audit history menu option to provide a basic view of the OpsChain events. This view will be enhanced in future releases to provide mode detailed information and links to relevant event resources.
  • For each project, environment and asset the GUI now includes:
    • a commands button that displays a dialog with useful curl commands to access information about the resource via the API.
    • a bookmarks button that displays a dialog containing the bookmarks (URLs) that have been associated with that resource via the API.
  • For standard projects, the GUI now provides the ability to:
    • view automated changes
    • execute changes
  • For enterprise projects, in addition to the standard project features, the GUI now provides the ability to:
    • create and update templates and template versions for assets.
    • create changes to execute template actions for assets.
    • generate, view and compare the MintModels associated with enterprise project assets.
    • create workflows to run multiple changes in sequence.
    • execute and view workflows.


  • OpsChain will no longer automatically delete the Git repository folder when the remote has been archived. Learn more.
  • The step API response approved_by format has changed to support the new message field - see the API documentation for an example.
  • The step API response continued_by format has changed to support the new message field - see the API documentation for an example.
  • Upgraded the runner images to be based on AlmaLinux 8.9.
  • Upgraded Buildkit to 0.13.1.
  • Upgraded cert-manager to v1.14.4.
  • Upgraded Kong Helm chart to 2.25.0.
  • Upgraded the CLI to Node.js version to 20.
  • Upgraded OpsChain auth image to OPA 0.63.0.
  • Upgraded OpsChain DB image to PostgreSQL 14.11.
  • Upgraded OpsChain ingress image to Kong 3.6.1.
  • Upgraded OpsChain kubectl image to kubectl v1.29.2.
  • Upgraded OpsChain log aggregator image to Fluentd v1.16.5-1.0.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Ansible example to Terraform 'hashicorp/aws' provider 5.44.0.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Ansible, Confluent, Terraform and Weblogic examples to Terraform 1.7.5.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Confluent example to Confluent 6.2.14.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Confluent, Terraform and Weblogic examples to Terraform 'hashicorp/kubernetes' provider 2.27.0.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Vault example to Vault 1.16.1.



  • You can now create, view, and archive Git remotes via the OpsChain GUI.
  • You can now archive projects, environments, and assets via the OpsChain GUI.
  • The following log lines API endpoints now support a download parameter, allowing you to download the log messages as a text file:
  • The following API endpoints now support a download parameter, allowing you to download the API results as a CSV file:


  • Upgraded OpsChain Ansible example to Terraform 'hashicorp/aws' provider 5.22.0.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Ansible, Confluent, Terraform and Weblogic examples to Terraform 1.6.2.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Confluent example to Confluent 6.2.12.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Vault example to Vault 1.15.0.
  • Upgraded OpsChain auth image to OPA 0.57.1.
  • Upgraded OpsChain kubectl image to kubectl v1.28.2.
  • Upgraded OpsChain log aggregator image to Fluentd v1.16.2-1.1.
  • Upgraded cert-manager to v1.13.1.


  • Breaking change - Git remotes are no longer allowed to point to paths on the OpsChain API server instance's local filesystem.
  • Breaking change - The opschain utils create_sample_data command has been removed.



  • The OpsChain GUI now supports:
    • viewing projects, environments, and assets.
    • creating projects, environments, and assets.
    • editing the properties for projects, environments, and assets.
    • editing the settings for projects, environments, and assets.
    • creating changes
  • You can now list, create, show and cancel changes for a specific environment via the /projects/<project_code>/environments/<environment_code>/changes endpoint. See the API documentation for more details.


  • Upgraded SSHKey Gem to 3.0.0.
  • Upgraded Buildkit to 0.12.2.
  • Upgraded Kong Helm chart to 2.25.0.
  • Upgraded Kong ingress controller to 2.10.4.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Ansible example to Terraform 'hashicorp/aws' provider 5.16.1.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Ansible, Confluent, Terraform and Weblogic examples to Terraform 1.5.7.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Confluent, Terraform and Weblogic examples to Terraform 'hashicorp/kubernetes' provider 2.23.0.
  • Upgraded OpsChain DB image to PostgreSQL 14.9.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Vault example to Vault 1.14.2.
  • Upgraded OpsChain auth image to OPA 0.56.0.
  • Upgraded OpsChain kubectl image to kubectl v1.28.1.
  • Upgraded cert-manager to v1.12.4.
  • Upgraded OpsChain ingress image to Kong 3.3.1.
  • Upgraded OpsChain log aggregator image to Fluentd v1.16.2-1.0.


Important breaking changes

  • Modifiable database properties are no longer accessible via and Use the OpsChain.properties_for(:environment) and OpsChain.properties_for(:project) methods instead. See the properties reference for more information.
  • Repository properties are no longer accessible via Use the OpsChain.repository_properties method instead. See the properties reference for more information.
  • OpsChain.context no longer contains project and environment directly. These can now be accessed via OpsChain.context.parents, e.g.OpsChain.context.parents.project.
  • The format to prevent access to projects and environments in the OpsChain OPA security provider (in security_configuration.json) has changed.
  • The changes get API no longer supports the environment_{{attribute}} filter, instead parent_{{attribute}} can be used. See the query examples to see the updated environment filter example.


  • Multi-project Git repositories can now include project specific repository properties.
  • The project and environment specific repository properties can now be accessed via OpsChain.repository_properties_for(:environment) and OpsChain.repository_properties_for(:project). See the properties reference for more information.
  • OpsChain.properties_for has been added for use in actions.rb, see the properties reference for more information.
  • Step specific logs are now available from the /steps/<step_id>/log_lines API. The results can be filtered using the same filtering syntax as change log lines or events.
  • Events are now created when an automated change rule fails. Learn more in the automated changes documentation.


  • Upgraded OpsChain DB image to PostgreSQL 14.8.
  • Upgraded OpsChain ingress image to Kong 3.3.0.
  • Upgraded OpsChain log aggregator image to Fluentd v1.16.1-1.0.
  • Upgraded OpsChain runner images to Fluent Bit 2.0.14.
  • Upgraded BuildKit to 0.12.0.
  • Upgraded Kong Helm chart to 2.24.0.
  • Upgraded Kong ingress controller to 2.10.3.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Ansible example to Terraform 'hashicorp/aws' provider 5.8.0.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Ansible, Confluent, Terraform and Weblogic examples to Terraform 1.5.3.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Confluent example to Confluent 6.2.11.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Confluent, Terraform and Weblogic examples to Terraform 'hashicorp/kubernetes' provider 2.22.0.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Vault example to Vault 1.14.0.
  • Upgraded OpsChain auth image to OPA 0.54.0.
  • Upgraded OpsChain kubectl image to kubectl v1.27.3.
  • Upgraded cert-manager to v1.12.2.
  • Breaking change - The project_properties_versions and environment_properties_versions relationships are no longer returned in the /step or /change API response bodies. They have been replaced by the properties_versions collection which includes all the properties versions that were active when the relevant step started. See the API reference documentation to see an example of the new response format.
  • When a change or step fails, any un-executed steps in the same change will be set to the aborted state instead of remaining in the pending state.
  • The api:environments:* events have been renamed to api:nodes:*.
  • Breaking change - The OpsChain getting started repo has been updated to reflect the changes to OpsChain.context.


  • OpsChain.project and OpsChain.environment are no longer available in an actions.rb. Use the new OpsChain.properties_for method instead.
  • OpsChain.context.project and OpsChain.context.environment are no longer available in an actions.rb. They are now accessed via OpsChain.context.parents instead, e.g. OpsChain.context.parents.project.


  • Fixed a bug where one change failing may result in multiple notifications being sent.
  • Fixed a bug where commit-based automated change rules could keep creating new changes, even when no new commits were created.


Important breaking changes

  • The properties API no longer returns the version in the JSONAPI meta (e.g. { meta: { version: 1 } }) . It is now available in the data (e.g. { data: { attributes: { version: 1, data: ... } } }).
  • OpsChain project and environment properties can no longer include configuration under { opschain: { config: ... } }.
    • The list of Kubernetes secrets to include in the environment during build and runtime are now configured in { opschain: { 'env:build_secrets': [<secret names>], 'env:runner_secrets': [<secret names>], ... } }. See secrets for more information.
    • The project / environment settings that were previously configured under { opschain: { config: ... } } are now configured in the project and environment settings.


  • OpsChain settings are now available via the /api/settings/<settings_id> endpoint. Current and prior versions of the settings are available via the /api/settings/<settings_id>/versions endpoint. The link to a project or environment's settings is available via the settings relationship in the JSON:API response for the relevant project or environment.
  • The CLI now provides show-settings, set-settings and edit-settings subcommands for projects and environments.
  • OpsChain changes now support human approvals. Learn more in the getting started guide.
    • The step API response now includes the requires_approval_from and approved_by information for the step.
    • The change API response now includes the requires_approval_from and approved_by information for the change's root step.


  • Breaking change - The approvers value in the step API response has been renamed to continued_by.


  • Fixed a bug where changes could not be created with a Git SHA - they could still be created with a tag or a branch.
  • Fixed a bug where listing actions in the OpsChain development environment would fail if any of its resource's controller's constructors require OpsChain properties environment variables.



  • The CLI can now be configured to invoke a command to determine the API password rather than storing it in the configuration directly. Learn more.



  • OpsChain can now be configured to send a notification when a change has failed using Apprise. Learn more.
  • The logs for an individual step within a change can now be viewed via the OpsChain GUI by clicking on the step details icon for the relevant step on the change details page.


  • Upgraded BuildKit to v0.11.6
  • The macOS CLI is now distributed in a DMG archive and is notarised.


Important breaking changes

  • The OpsChain runner images have been upgraded to Ruby 3.1.4.
    • Please ensure the .ruby-version in your project Git repositories is updated to ruby-3.1.4.


  • Introduced a new lazy DSL keyword to allow resource property values to be derived at runtime rather than when OpsChain parses the project's actions.rb file. See lazy property evaluation for more information.


  • When a CLI list command returns no records, and the output type is JSON:
    • the CLI will now output [] rather than an empty result.
    • if a JSONPath query is supplied the CLI will now exit with an error code 2 rather than 0.
  • Upgraded Bundler to 2.4.10.
  • Upgraded BuildKit to v0.11.5.
  • Upgraded Kong Helm chart to v2.16.5.
  • Upgraded Kong ingress controller to v2.8.2.
  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/aws' provider to 4.61.0 in the OpsChain Ansible example.
  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/kubernetes' provider to 2.19.0 in the OpsChain Confluent, Terraform, and WebLogic examples.
  • Upgraded Terraform to 1.4.4 in the OpsChain examples.
  • Upgraded OpsChain log aggregator image to Fluentd 1.16.0-1.0.
  • Upgraded Fluent Bit to v2.0.10.
  • Upgraded OPA to v0.51.0.
  • Upgraded Kubectl version to v1.25.8.


  • The opschain change cancel command output has been fixed - previously it would output an error (Error: Couldn't DELETE Change) but the change would be cancelled.
  • The opschain change create step tree has been fixed - previously it would not update as the change progressed.
  • OpsChain GUI
    • The root step connections failing to display when the tree is first constructed has been fixed
    • The parallel children icon temporarily disappearing from the parent step when it starts running has been fixed


Important breaking changes

  • All API endpoints have been prefixed with /api. For example, http://localhost:3000/changes is now http://localhost:3000/api/changes.
    • Please ensure any calls to the API are updated to use the new endpoints.
  • The OpsChain runner images have been upgraded to Ruby 3.1.3.
    • Please ensure the .ruby-version in your project Git repositories is updated to ruby-3.1.3.


  • The build service now automatically restarts when its certificate is renewed.
  • OpsChain's web UI has been released. Learn more about its features. We expect the web UI to continue to evolve and thus change as features are added. Contact us if you have any feedback.
    • This release includes the ability to:
      • view a list of changes.
      • search changes.
      • view a list of automated changes.
      • view the details of a change, including a graphical representation of the change execution.


  • The API documentation has been moved from /docs to /api-docs.
  • When accessing / the new web UI will be shown rather than the API docs. Access the API docs directly via /api-docs.
  • The changes API (api/changes) now allows filtering by nested metadata values. Learn more.
  • The automated change rules API (api/automated_change_rules) now supports filtering and sorting. Learn more
  • Upgraded cert-manager to 1.11.0.
  • Upgraded BuildKit to v0.11.3.
  • Upgraded Confluent to 6.2.9 in the OpsChain Confluent example.
  • Upgraded Kong to v3.1.1.
  • Upgraded Kong Helm chart to v2.16.0.
  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/aws' provider to 4.56.0 in the OpsChain Ansible example.
  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/kubernetes' provider to 2.18.1 in the OpsChain Confluent, Terraform, and WebLogic examples.
  • Upgraded Terraform to 1.3.9 in the OpsChain examples.
  • Upgraded PostgreSQL to 14.7.
  • Upgraded OpsChain log aggregator image to Fluentd 1.15.3-1.2.
  • Upgraded Fluent Bit to v2.0.9.
  • Upgraded OPA to v0.49.2.
  • Upgraded Kubectl version to v1.25.6.



Important breaking changes

  • Upgraded to Ruby 3.1.2, please update the .ruby_version in your project Git repositories to reflect this change.


  • Documentation on running commands as root in opschain dev.
  • When defining a controller based resource type, the array supplied to the action_methods: keyword, can now include hashes providing the action name and description. Similarly, the controller resource_type_actions class method can now include hashes. Learn more
  • Documentation has been added showing how to use a specific configuration file with the CLI. Learn more.


  • The image built by opschain dev build-runner-image is now assigned the image tag repository_runner:latest by default.
  • Upgraded Kong to v3.1.0.
  • Upgraded Kong Helm chart to v2.14.0.
  • Upgraded Kong ingress controller to v2.8.1.
  • Upgraded Que to 2.2.0.
  • Upgraded cert-manager to 1.10.2.
  • Upgraded Fluent Bit to v2.0.8.
  • Upgraded OpsChain log aggregator image to Fluentd 1.15.3.
  • Upgraded PostgreSQL to 14.6.
  • Upgraded OPA to v0.48.0.
  • Upgraded BuildKit to v0.11.0.
  • The ruby-terraform Gem version supported by the opschain-resource-types Gem has been updated to v1.7.0.
  • Upgraded Terraform to 1.3.7 in the OpsChain examples.
  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/aws' provider to 4.49.0 in the OpsChain Ansible example.
  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/kubernetes' provider to 2.16.1 in the OpsChain Confluent, Terraform, and WebLogic examples.
  • Upgraded HashiCorp Vault to 1.12.2 in the OpsChain Vault example.
  • Upgraded all base images used by the OpsChain examples to AlmaLinux 8.7.
  • Upgraded the OpsChain base runner image to AlmaLinux 8.7.


  • opschain dev build-runner-image no longer aborts if Git repository files have been deleted but not yet committed.
  • OpsChain replaces the null bytes in log messages with U+FFFD. See the troubleshooting guide to learn why this is necessary.


Important breaking changes

  • Except for the OpsChain LDAP image, all OpsChain container images now start as a non-root user (including the step runner). After upgrading, please use opschain dev create-dockerfile to create a copy of the new step runner Dockerfile template in your project's .opschain folder and then reapply your customisations.
  • The format to supply unauthorised environments to the OpsChain OPA security provider (in security_configuration.json) has changed.



  • The API worker processes will now wait up to one hour to complete any running actions when shutting down. This grace period can also be customised via a Helm value.
  • The project and environment --description argument is now optional. If not supplied on the command line it will not be requested and the project/environment will be created with an empty description.


  • A sporadic bug when running opschain change create - undefined method git_remote for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) - has been fixed.
  • The opschain dev build-runner-image command now explicitly enables the use of BuildKit to match how image builds are performed for runner containers.
  • opschain server deploy now ensures that the version of the OpsChain Helm chart used to deploy OpsChain aligns with the CLI version.



  • OpsChain project Git remote credentials can now be updated using the opschain project update-git-remote command.
  • OpsChain project and environment properties can now be edited using the opschain project edit-properties and opschain environment edit-properties commands.
  • OpsChain now allows you to supply build secrets to the step runner image build process. See secure build secrets for more information. Note: these secrets are provided at build time only and are not available at runtime. Let us know if you're interested in using these secrets at runtime too.
  • All OpsChain commands that support the --output argument now accept JSONPath queries in the format --output jsonpath='$.jsonpath.query'.


  • The properties PATCH API now accepts an optional version attribute. If supplied, the API will ensure that the properties are only updated if the version matches the current version of the properties. This is useful when multiple users are editing the properties concurrently.
  • Upgraded cert-manager to 1.10.0.
  • Upgraded Fluent Bit to v1.9.9.
  • Upgraded OpsChain log aggregator image to Fluentd 1.15.2.
  • Upgraded Kong to v3.0.0.
  • Upgraded Kong Helm chart to v2.13.1.
  • Upgraded OPA to v0.45.0.
  • Upgraded BuildKit to v0.10.5.
  • Upgraded Terraform to 1.3.2 in the OpsChain examples.
  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/aws' provider to 4.35.0 in the OpsChain Ansible example.
  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/kubernetes' provider to 2.14.0 in the OpsChain Confluent, Terraform, and WebLogic examples.
  • Upgraded HashiCorp Vault to 1.12.0 in the OpsChain Vault example.
  • Upgraded Confluent to 6.2.7 in the OpsChain Confluent example.


  • The OpsChain CLI opschain server deploy command has been fixed on Windows.
    • Breaking change - the .env file has moved from using double quotes around values to single quotes to fix an issue with Windows paths containing special character sequences like \n - which was being treated as a newline.
      • If your .env file contains values containing ", they need to be unescaped and the surrounding " changed to '. Similarly, any value containing a ' now needs to have the single quotes escaped. Rerunning a full reconfiguration may be simpler.
  • Removed the text colour presentation from the masked fields in the add-git-remote and list-git-remotes command output when displayed in json or yaml format.



  • As part of OpsChain moving out of the trial phase, the default Kubernetes namespace has been updated to opschain and the documentation repository has been moved to opschain.
  • Properties validation in OpsChain has been improved. Formerly properties validation was only applied when a step started running. Now, properties validation is also applied:
    • when project or environment properties are set (via the API or CLI). Detailed errors will be provided (via the API or CLI) if the properties fail validation.
    • after an OpsChain action modifies project or environment properties. If the modifications cause the properties to fail validation, the change will error and detailed errors will be reported in the change logs.
  • The change create --follow-logs and change show-logs commands now support the --output argument, allowing you to output the logs in text (default) or json format.


  • The OpsChain Helm chart no longer deploys a cluster role or cluster role binding for the OpsChain ingress service account. The role and binding are now included with the Kong v2.12.0 Helm deployment.


Important breaking changes

  • The OpsChain step runner Dockerfile template has been changed. After upgrading, please use opschain dev create-dockerfile to create a copy of the new template in your project's .opschain folder and then reapply your customisations.
  • The OpsChain server management commands (bin/*) have been removed from the opschain-trial repository. They have been replaced by opschain server subcommands.
  • The opschain_auth/security_configuration.json file must be moved out of the opschain_auth folder and stored in the same folder as the .env and values.yaml files, e.g. mv opschain_auth/security_configuration.json .


  • The OpsChain CLI now supports an optional --output argument for many operations, allowing you to display the command's output in different formats (e.g. YAML / JSON). See the relevant command's --help output for the available formats.
  • Default output format(s) can be configured via your .opschainrc file. See the OpsChain CLI reference for more information.
  • The opschain change retry command now accepts a --background argument, allowing you to retry the change in the background.
  • OpsChain now supports loading environment specific repository properties. See the Git repository section of the properties guide for more information.
  • OpsChain can now be configured to support running concurrent changes for a single project environment. See the change execution options section of the changes reference guide for more information.
  • The OpsChain CLI has new subcommands for managing and configuring OpsChain server installations under opschain server, e.g. opschain server configure - learn more.
  • The opschain server commands support a values.override.yaml file for automatically applying Helm customisations.


  • When the available log lines for a single request (via /log_lines with a filter or via /changes/<change_id>/log_lines) exceeds the limit for a single request - a more link is provided to navigate to the next chunk.
  • Upgraded cert-manager to 1.9.1.
  • Upgraded Fluent Bit to v1.9.8.
  • Upgraded HashiCorp Vault to 1.11.3 in the OpsChain Vault example.
  • Upgraded Kong Helm chart to v2.12.0.
  • Upgraded Kong Ingress Controller to v2.5.0.
  • Upgraded OPA to v0.44.0.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Log Aggregator Image to Fluentd 1.15.1.
  • Upgraded PostgreSQL to 14.5.
  • Upgraded Terraform to 1.2.9 in the OpsChain examples.
  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/aws' provider to 4.29.0 in the OpsChain Ansible example.
  • Upgraded BuildKit to v0.10.4.


  • The opschain dev build-runner-image command now supplies the OPSCHAIN_VERSION build argument to Docker when building your custom step runner image.


  • Breaking change - The OpsChain CLI opschain dev commands no longer recognise the OPSCHAIN_VERSION environment variable when starting the development environment or building runner images. Ensure you have the corresponding version of the CLI to access the required OpsChain images, e.g. to use the 2022-08-16 OpsChain images, use the 2022-08-16 version of the CLI.
  • The bin/opschain-* commands have been removed from the opschain-trial repository - they have been replaced by the opschain server subcommands as described above. Note: the opschain server commands do not need to be run in the opschain-trial directory. You can now move the existing configuration files (the .env, values.yaml, and opschain_auth/security_configuration.json files) into a folder of your choosing and run the commands from there. Please ensure as part of the move, that you move the opschain_auth/security_configuration.json file out of the opschain_auth folder per the instructions above (under "important breaking change").


Important breaking changes

  • OpsChain environments codes are no longer globally unique and can now be reused in different projects. With this change, the /environments API endpoint has been removed. Please use the /projects/<project_code>/environments endpoint for all future environment specific API access.
    • Note: Due to the endpoint changes, please ensure you are using the latest OpsChain CLI version.



  • The error: cannot lock ref error that occurred when multiple changes were executed for the same Git remote has been fixed.


Important breaking changes

  • The OpsChain step runner Dockerfile template has been changed. After upgrading, please use opschain dev create-dockerfile to create a copy of the new template in your project's .opschain folder and then reapply your customisations.


  • The OpsChain CLI now allows you to build a step runner image from your project's .opschain/Dockerfile via the opschain dev build-runner-image command. See custom runner images for more details on using the image in your OpsChain development environment.


  • The opschain project add-git-remote command will now display the Git remote details rather than the text Git remote added successfully.


  • The image registry garbage collector now handles error conditions that may have caused runner images to be garbage collected prematurely.
  • The opschain change retry command now follows the change logs when supplied with the --follow-logs argument.


This release is a bugfix for the 2022-07-20 release which is unusable. Please check the release notes for both releases before upgrading.


  • The opschain change create command --follow argument has been renamed to --follow-logs.


  • The 2022-07-20 release contained a bug that caused it to fail when upgrading existing instances. This release corrects the invalid migration and must be used in place of 2022-07-20.
  • The opschain change create command now exits with an error code for cancelled or failed changes when using the --follow-logs argument. This matches the functionality when this argument is not provided.


This release has a critical bug and should not be used. Please use release 2022-07-26 instead.

Important breaking changes

  • The way OpsChain manages its local clone of your project Git repositories has changed to improve support for projects with multiple Git remotes. You must re-add all active Git remotes for this release.
    • Use the opschain project list-git-remotes command to identify your active Git remotes in each project.
    • Archive each Git remote using the opschain project archive-git-remote command.
    • Re-associate each Git remote with the project using the opschain project add-git-remote command.


  • The opschain change create command now accepts a --follow argument, allowing you to follow the change logs rather than view the step tree.


  • The Metadata column has been removed from the opschain change list output. To view the metadata, use the opschain change show command.


  • When creating a change, OpsChain now validates the supplied Git remote and revision after the change has been created. If the supplied values are invalid, the change will complete with an error status and the change logs will provide further information.
  • Archiving a Git remote will now unschedule any automated change rules related to it.
  • Git remotes used by automated change rules can no longer be deleted. Deleting the related automated change rules is now a prerequisite to deleting the Git remote.



  • The OpsChain CLI now displays the user who continued a wait step.
  • Upgraded Bundler to 2.3.17.
  • Upgraded HashiCorp Vault to 1.11.0 in the OpsChain Vault example.
  • Upgraded Kong Helm chart to v2.10.2.
  • Upgraded Kong Ingress Controller to v2.4.2.
  • Upgraded OPA to v0.42.0.
  • Upgraded cert-manager 1.8.2
  • Upgraded PostgreSQL to 14.4
  • The ruby-terraform Gem version supported by the opschain-resource-types Gem has been updated to v1.6.0.
  • Upgraded Terraform to 1.2.4 in the OpsChain examples.
  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/aws' provider to 4.21.0 in the OpsChain Ansible example.
  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/kubernetes' provider to 2.12.1 in the OpsChain Confluent, Terraform, and Weblogic examples.


  • OpsChain now supports project Git repositories with > 100 character paths.



  • OpsChain project Git remotes can now be archived using the opschain project archive-git-remote command.
  • The OpsChain API project git_remotes endpoint now accepts DELETE requests. Note: Git remotes that are associated with changes will have their credentials cleared rather than being deleted.
  • Documentation has been added on Git remote operations. Learn more.


  • PATCH request on the project git_remotes endpoint is now only used for archiving/unarchiving an existing Git remote. Git remote creation has been moved to its POST request.
  • The opschain project add-git-remote command now replaces opschain project set-git-remote.



  • OpsChain.context.change.automated is now populated in the OpsChain context - indicating whether a change was created by an automated change rule.
  • The automated field is now included in the OpsChain changes API response - indicating whether a change was created by an automated change rule.


  • The OpsChain CLI now displays the provided command line argument values before prompting for any required values.
  • Upgraded all base images used by the OpsChain examples to AlmaLinux 8.6.
  • Upgraded Bundler to 2.3.15.
  • Upgraded HashiCorp Vault to 1.10.3 in the OpsChain Vault example.
  • Upgraded Kong to v2.8.2.
  • Upgraded OPA to v0.41.0.
  • Upgraded PostgreSQL to 14.3.
  • The ruby-terraform Gem version supported by the opschain-resource-types Gem has been updated to v1.5.0.
  • Upgraded Terraform to 1.2.2 in the OpsChain examples.
  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/aws' provider to 4.17.0 in the OpsChain Ansible example.
  • Upgraded the base OS for the OpsChain LDAP server to Debian bullseye
  • Upgraded the OpsChain base runner image to AlmaLinux 8.6.
  • Upgraded the CLI to Node.js v16.15.1.


Important breaking changes

  • OpsChain must be installed from scratch for this release. Follow the steps in the uninstall guide to remove OpsChain and then perform a fresh install. The existing Git remotes can be re-used with the new installation.


  • When the list of options for an argument contains a single value, the OpsChain CLI will now automatically select it.
  • OpsChain now tracks the Git remote used for a change explicitly.
  • OpsChain now tracks the Git remote used for an automated change rule explicitly.


  • Breaking changes
    • When creating a change the Git remote and revision must be specified individually via the --git-remote-name and --git-rev options.
    • When creating an automated change rule the Git remote and revision must be specified individually via the --git-remote-name and --git-rev options.
    • The GIT_REV build argument provided to custom project Dockerfiles no longer includes the remote name.


  • Wait steps within namespaces now work as expected.
  • A sporadic bug whilst running changes or using opschain dev - iseq_compile_each: unknown node (NODE_SCOPE) (SyntaxError) - has been fixed.


Known issues

  • OpsChain changes may fail with BUG: error: failed to solve .... See the troubleshooting guide to learn how to resolve this issue.


  • The opschain change show-logs command now supports the --timestamps option, to prefix each log line with the date and time it was logged.
  • OpsChain now supports wait steps - steps that pause a change execution and wait for a user to continue the change manually.
  • CLI version, server version and runner image can be retrieved via the opschain info CLI command.
  • An /info endpoint has been added to the OpsChain API to return the currently running version and runner image.


  • Upgraded Bundler to 2.3.12.
  • Upgraded Fluent Bit to v1.9.3.
  • Upgraded BuildKit to v0.10.3
  • Upgraded OPA to v0.40.0.
  • Upgraded Terraform to 1.1.9 in the OpsChain examples.
  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/aws' provider to 4.13.0 in the OpsChain Ansible example.
  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/kubernetes' provider to 2.11.0 in the OpsChain WebLogic, Terraform, and Confluent examples.
  • Upgraded HashiCorp Vault to 1.9.6 in the OpsChain Vault example.
  • Upgraded Confluent to 6.2.4 in the OpsChain Confluent example.
  • Upgraded Kong to v2.8.1.
  • Upgraded Kong ingress controller to v2.3.1.


  • Added the missing method that is described in the Git repository section of the properties guide.
  • The project links in the Git remotes response body.
  • Fixed runner image building on macOS M1 hosts.



  • OpsChain project Git remotes can now be queried using the opschain project list-git-remotes command.


  • The opschain-dev command has been replaced with a new CLI command opschain dev. Execute opschain dev --help for more information.
  • the opschain-lint Git pre-commit hook has been updated and should be recreated in your project Git repositories. From within the OpsChain development environment, execute rm -f .git/hooks/pre-commit && opschain-lint --setup
  • Outside the development environment:
    • the opschain-action command is no longer available.
    • the opschain-lint command has been replaced with a new OpsChain CLI command opschain dev lint.
    • The opschain-utils dockerfile_template command has been replaced with a new OpsChain CLI command opschain dev create-dockerfile


  • Updates to properties made by parallel steps are now applied correctly.



  • Documentation has been added explaining how container image builds can be achieved with OpsChain. Learn more.
  • A link to the step's log lines is now included in the step JSON.
  • The opschain change create command now accepts the --background argument, allowing you to create changes and not follow their progress.


  • The OpsChain licence has been fixed in the OpsChain development environment.



  • The OpsChain CLI request timeout can now be modified. Learn more.
  • Log messages pertaining to the step phases. Learn more.


  • The OpsChain CLI will now retry lookup requests (up to three times total) if they fail due to timeouts.

  • Upgraded Ruby to 2.7.6.

  • Upgraded Bundler to 2.3.11.

  • Upgraded Fluentd to v1.14.6-1.0.

  • Upgraded Fluent Bit to v1.9.2.

  • Upgraded BuildKit to v0.10.1

  • Upgraded OPA to v0.39.0.

  • Upgraded Terraform to 1.1.8 in the OpsChain examples.

  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/aws' provider to 4.9.0 in the OpsChain Ansible example.

  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/kubernetes' provider to 2.10.0 in the OpsChain WebLogic, Terraform, and Confluent examples.

  • Upgraded HashiCorp Vault to 1.9.4 in the OpsChain Vault example.

  • Upgraded Confluent to 6.2.3 in the OpsChain Confluent example.

  • Upgraded recommended cert-manager version to v1.8.0.

  • Upgraded Kong ingress controller to v2.3.1.

  • A full backtrace will be shown in the change logs when an action raises an error.

  • Breaking changes

    • The OPSCHAIN_IMAGE_TAG variable has been renamed OPSCHAIN_VERSION.
    • The opschain.lic path has changed in the custom Dockerfile, it is now stored in / in the runner image.

    Use the opschain-utils dockerfile_template command to see the new Dockerfile format and ensure any custom project Dockerfiles are updated to reflect these changes.



  • The OpsChain CLI now supports shell completion.
  • OpsChain now supports SSH authentication (in addition to password authentication) for Git remotes.
    • There is an SSH known_hosts file provided by OpsChain. See the documentation if you need to know more about this file.


  • The opschain project set-git-remote arguments have been updated to support the new authentication options.
  • The OpsChain CLI examples for set-properties no longer use the cli-files folder as the native binary does not require it.




  • Breaking changes
    • OpsChain has moved from Docker Compose to Kubernetes. Only single node Kubernetes deployments are supported currently.
      • There is no migration path for data from previous versions of OpsChain to the current version.
      • This release of OpsChain must be installed from scratch.
      • Most of the OpsChain processes documented in the OpsChain operations guides have changed.
    • The OpsChain runner Dockerfile now utilises the OPSCHAIN_BASE_RUNNER build argument to determine the FROM image. Use the opschain-utils dockerfile_template command to see the new format and ensure any custom project Dockerfiles are updated to reflect this change.
  • When running changes that include parallel child steps, if one of those children fails, the opschain change create command will continue running until all its siblings have finished.
  • Upgraded Fluentd to v1.14.5-1.1.
  • Upgraded OPA to 0.38.1.
  • Upgraded PostgreSQL to 14.2.
  • Upgraded Terraform to 1.1.7 in the OpsChain examples.
  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/aws' plugin to 4.5.0 in the OpsChain Ansible example.
  • Upgraded the OpsChain base runner image to AlmaLinux 8.5.
  • All base images used by the OpsChain examples upgraded to AlmaLinux 8.5
  • When running changes that include parallel child steps, if one of those children fails, the opschain change create command will continue running until all its siblings have finished.


  • When following the change logs, OpsChain will display all the logs until the change completes - previously the final log messages may not have been shown.




  • Upgraded Rails to 7.
  • Upgraded Ruby to 2.7.5.
  • Upgraded PostgreSQL to 14.1.
  • Upgraded Bundler to 2.3.6.
  • Upgraded OPA to 0.36.0.
  • Upgraded Fluentd to v1.14.4-1.0.
  • Upgraded Terraform to 1.1.4 in the OpsChain examples.
  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/aws' plugin to 3.73.0 in the OpsChain Ansible example.
  • Upgraded HashiCorp Vault to 1.9.2 in the OpsChain Vault example.
  • Upgraded Confluent to 6.2.2 in the OpsChain Confluent example.
  • Update example on setting environment variables in the OpsChain properties guide.
  • Update documentation on the minimum requirements in the OpsChain project Git repositories guide.
  • The OpsChain base runner image is now based on AlmaLinux 8.


  • Properties raising ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError exception when parallel steps modify properties.
  • API worker now logs the full stack trace for Failed processing step <step_name> (ProcessStepResultCommand::Error) exception when patching properties fails.



  • Reference for all third party software licences used in our applications.
  • Document our support policy. This includes the type of support we provide when using OpsChain, as well as details on how and when to contact our support team.
  • In addition to lightweight tags, OpsChain now supports creating changes that reference annotated tags. See creating tags for more information on Git tag types.
  • When run in a dirty Git repository, the OpsChain CLI now prints a warning when creating a change to alert the user that their updates may not be committed yet.
  • Breaking changes
  • Documentation on how to uninstall OpsChain.


  • The configure script won't re-ask questions that can't change.
  • Upgraded Bundler to 2.2.30.
  • Upgraded OPA to 0.34.0.
  • Upgraded Fluentd to 1.14.2-1.0.
  • Upgraded Terraform to 1.0.10 in the OpsChain examples.
  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/aws' plugin to 3.63.0 in the OpsChain Ansible example.
  • The OpsChain step runner Docker image is now built with Docker BuildKit.



  • Change specific logs are now available from the /changes/<change_id>/log_lines API. The results can be filtered using the same filtering syntax as events.
  • The OpsChain DSL now supports


  • On startup, OpsChain now displays the publicly mapped port it is listening on.
  • Upgraded Bundler to 2.2.28.
  • Upgraded OPA to 0.33.0.
  • Upgraded Fluentd to 1.14.1-1.0.
  • Upgraded Terraform to 1.0.8 in the OpsChain examples.
  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/aws' plugin to 3.62.0 in the OpsChain Ansible example.
  • Upgraded HashiCorp Vault to 1.8.4 in the OpsChain Vault example.
  • Upgraded Confluent to 6.2.1 in the OpsChain Confluent example.
  • Parallel child steps are now run in serial when run in the opschain-dev development environment.
  • Breaking changes
    • the /log_lines endpoint
      • returns at most 10,000 log lines.
      • requires a filter using the same filtering syntax as events.
    • upgraded PostgreSQL to 14.0 (your database must be re-created, or manually upgraded).
    • the resource_properties resource method in the OpsChain DSL has been replaced with properties.
    • the OpsChain DSL Scope class has been restructured and is for internal use only.


  • Breaking change - the /log_lines endpoint no longer accepts the change_id URL parameter


You must run configure after upgrading to update the .env file with the log configuration update.


  • opschain-lint is automatically added as a Git pre-commit hook for new project Git repositories.
  • The configure script now shows an error when it fails.
  • An OpsChain banner message is displayed once the API is ready.
  • OpsChain API documentation is now available from the API server http://localhost:3000/docs.


  • The configure script now resolves the absolute path for the OPSCHAIN_DATA_DIR.


  • Repeated invocations of the configure script on macOS have been fixed - they used to fail silently.
  • OpsChain runners on Windows and macOS were failing as the log configuration was wrong.



  • The OpsChain CLI can now:

  • The OpsChain DSL now supports the ref method for referencing other resources. This is useful for cases where a resource name includes special characters, e.g.:

    infrastructure_host ''

    some_resource 'something' do
    host ref('') # `host` would fail here
  • The OpsChain API projects and environments endpoints now

    • return a boolean archived attribute.
    • accept DELETE requests. Note: Only projects and environments with no associated changes can be deleted.
  • The OpsChain API automated_change_rules endpoint now includes a next_run_at attribute containing the time when the rule will next run. See the automated changes guide for more information on what happens when an automated change rule runs.

  • The opschain automated-change list output no longer include the Project and Environment columns (as these are parameter values to the command) and includes a Next Run At column.

  • The opschain-action command now supports a best-effort mode for running the child steps of an action. See the child steps section of the Docker development environment guide for more details.

  • OpsChain now provides an opschain-lint command for detecting issues with the OpsChain DSL. Learn more in the Docker development environment guide.

    • opschain-lint is run as part of the default Dockerfile for steps to detect errors sooner - this can be added to custom Dockerfiles, or a custom Dockerfile could be used to remove the linter if it is not desired.


  • A rare logging error reported by the OpsChain worker - (JSON::ParserError) (Excon::Error::Socket)/socat[323] E write(., ..., ...): Broken pipe - has been fixed.
  • A rare Terraform error where the temporary var file was removed prior to Terraform completing has been fixed.


  • Upgraded Bundler to 2.2.26.
  • Upgraded Postgres to 13.4.
  • Upgraded Terraform to 1.0.5 in the OpsChain examples.
  • Upgraded Terraform 'hashicorp/aws' plugin to 3.56.0 in the OpsChain Ansible example.
  • Upgraded Terraform 'kreuzwerker/docker' plugin to 2.15.0 in the OpsChain Confluent, Terraform & Weblogic examples.
  • Upgraded HashiCorp Vault to 1.8.2 in the OpsChain Vault example.



  • OpsChain now supports events. The /events endpoint can be used for reporting and auditing, see the events guide for more details.
  • The list of configuration in the .env file is now documented in the configuration options guide.
  • Changes can now take metadata (JSON structured data) to help identify and track changes.
    • The opschain change create/retry commands now takes an optional argument to allow providing the metadata for a change.
      • If provided, the metadata file must contain a JSON object, e.g. { "cr": "CR73", "description": "Change request 73 - apply patchset abc to xyz." }.
    • The opschain change show/list commands now include the change metadata.
    • The /changes API can now be filtered using the same filtering syntax as events.
      • For example, ?filter[metadata_cr_eq]=CR73 would match all changes with the metadata { "cr": "CR73" }.
      • See the events filtering documentation for more details.


  • Simplified the .env file by moving default values to .env.internal
  • The OpsChain log aggregator no longer requires that port 24224 is available - it now uses a Docker managed random port


  • A number of broken links in the documentation have been fixed



  • The OpsChain change log retention guide has moved and been renamed to OpsChain data retention.
  • Breaking change - the OPSCHAIN_ARCHIVE_LOG_LINES_JOB_CRON config variable has been renamed to OPSCHAIN_CLEAN_OLD_DATA_JOB_CRON.
  • Breaking change - Upgraded Ruby to 2.7.4 on the OpsChain Step Runner.
    • If required, please update the .ruby_version in your project Git repositories.
  • Upgraded Bundler to 2.2.25.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Log Aggregator Image to Fluentd 1.13.3.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Auth Image to Open Policy Agent 0.31.0.
  • Upgraded Terraform to 1.0.3 in the OpsChain examples.
  • Upgraded Terraform hashicorp/aws plugin to 3.52.0 in the OpsChain Ansible example.
  • Upgraded Terraform kreuzwerker/docker plugin to 2.14.0 in the OpsChain Confluent, Terraform & Weblogic examples.
  • Upgraded HashiCorp Vault to 1.8.0 in the OpsChain Vault example.


  • A bug with the configure script on macOS has been fixed - ./configure: line 90: ${env_file_contents}${var}=${!var@Q}\n: bad substitution.



  • OpsChain now caches user's LDAP group membership to reduce LDAP load. See LDAP group membership caching for more details.
  • Breaking change - Calling OpsChain API's with missing or invalid parameters now returns a 500 Internal Server Error, and more explicit error messages in the response body.




  • File property paths are now expanded before being written.
  • Running the configure script no longer removes unknown configuration options.
  • Any resources included in the value supplied to the properties resource DSL will have their controller assigned to the relevant property rather than the resource itself. This makes properties match the existing functionality for individually set properties.



  • The Oracle WebLogic example now includes a sample WAR file and related deploy, redeploy and undeploy actions.
  • A HashiCorp Vault example project repository is now available.
  • The OpsChain CLI now helps you track the progress of a change by showing the expected step tree.
  • The opchain-action and opschain-dev commands now inherit environment variables starting with opschain_ (case insensitive).
  • The opschain-action command now supports the OPSCHAIN_DRY_RUN environment variable to see the full expected step tree without running the action.
  • OpsChain file properties now supports storing binary files with the new base64 format. See file formats for more details.


  • Upgraded Terraform to 1.0.1 in the OpsChain examples.
  • Upgraded Terraform plugins in the OpsChain examples - see the commit history of each repository for details.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Log Aggregator Image Fluentd to 1.13.1.
  • Upgraded OpsChain Auth Image Open Policy Agent 0.30.1.
  • Upgraded Bundler to 2.2.21.



  • OpsChain.context is now available to actions and controllers. See the OpsChain context guide for more information.


  • After waiting for the environment change lock, pending changes will be executed in the order they were created. Previously pending changes could start in any order.


  • Breaking change - The opschain-auth container is no longer bound to 8081 by default.



  • Docker build logs for the OpsChain step runner image are included in the change/step logs. They will be shown as part of the output of the opschain change logs-show command for new changes.


  • Breaking change - The assign LDAP group ldif example now creates a groupOfNames rather than a posixGroup to support RFC 4519.
    • To use this new group format, you will need to alter the OPSCHAIN_LDAP_GROUP_ATTRIBUTE value in your .env file from memberOf to member
  • Breaking change - Automated Deployment Rules and Scheduled Deployment Rules have been renamed to Automated Change Rules.
    • The CLI automated-deployment-{create,delete,list} and the scheduled-deployment-{create,delete,list} subcommands have been combined into a new opschain automated-change command.
      • The CLI --help argument can be used to see the new names.
  • Breaking change - The CLI subcommands have been renamed:
    • The convention for CLI subcommands has changed from noun-verb to verb-noun, for example, opschain environment properties-set has been renamed to opschain environment set-properties.
  • Breaking change - The --commit-ref and --ref options have been renamed to --git-rev for consistency. This affects the opschain change create and the new opschain automated-change create commands.
  • Breaking change - The GIT_REF ARG in custom Dockerfiles has been renamed to GIT_SHA - this means that if the Git sha the Git reference points to is altered during a change the steps will still use the original commit (sha).
  • GIT_REV is now an environment variable that is assigned (with the git_rev value of the change) when using the default step runner.
    • A GIT_REV ARG is now provided to custom Dockerfiles - this can be assigned to an environment variable (the custom Dockerfile template demonstrates how this can be done).



  • An Oracle WebLogic example project repository is now available.
  • Feature preview - platform native builds of the OpsChain CLI are now available for Windows, macOS and Linux. Contact LimePoint support for access.
  • OpsChain now supports Active Directory for user authentication and authorisation. See configuring an external LDAP
    • This change requires the configure command to be rerun.
  • OpsChain changes can now be retried from failure or cancellation by using the opchain change retry command.
  • Updating now safeguards properties whilst a change is active.
    • Step properties are immutable.
    • Project and environment properties can't be updated if they are in use by an active change.


  • Upgraded Terraform to 0.15.4 in the OpsChain examples.

  • Upgraded Terraform plugins in the OpsChain examples - see the commit history of each repository for details.

  • Upgraded OpsChain Log Aggregator Image Fluentd to 1.12.4.

  • Upgraded OpsChain DB Image PostgreSQL to 13.3.

  • Upgraded OpsChain Auth Image Open Policy Agent 0.29.4.

  • Upgraded Bundler to 2.2.19.

  • Breaking change - The OpsChain LDAP database structure has changed. Please remove the files in OPSCHAIN_DATA_DIR/opschain-ldap before starting OpsChain.

    Note: You will need to recreate any users you had created in the OpsChain LDAP.



  • The ability to use custom Runner images in the OpsChain Docker development environment. Note that the custom Runner image must have been built as part of an OpsChain change.
    • This change requires the configure command to be rerun.
  • The OpsChain CLI now inherits environment variables. This allows using environment variables to override CLI config or to configure http(s) proxies. Find out more in our CLI reference.
  • OpsChain operations guides.



  • The OpsChain platform now includes an Authorisation Server allowing you to restrict user access to projects and environments.
  • OpsChain changes can now be cancelled by using the opschain change cancel command.


  • Breaking change - The OpsChain CLI now uses kebab-case-arguments (rather than snake_case_arguments) so all multi word arguments have changed.


Important breaking changes

  • the opschain_db, opschain-ldap and opschain_project_git_repos directories have been moved into a new opschain_data directory (opschain_data can be overridden as part of the configure process)
    • you must run configure after upgrading to reflect the new directory structure in your .env file.
  • due to the addition of the project code the OpsChain database needs to be removed and recreated.
    • the path to the project Git repositories has changed from ./opschain_project_git_repos/production/<uuid> to ./opschain_data/opschain_project_git_repos/<uuid>.


  • a symbolic link is created as part of the project creation, allowing you to navigate to the project's Git repository via ./opschain_data/opschain_project_git_repos/<project code>
  • Breaking change - projects now use (and require) a unique project code.
  • The OpsChain Terraform resource type now supports version 0.15.


  • Environment codes can now be up to 50 characters long.
  • Breaking change - the OpsChain CLI and API have been altered to use the project code as the project identifier rather than the project id.
  • The CLI output for the environment and project list commands has changed - the code field is now shown first and the ID is not shown.


  • The environment delete API has been removed.
  • Breaking change - Support for Terraform version 0.14 and lower has been removed from the OpsChain Terraform resource.




  • OpsChain now allows properties to be sourced from a project's Git repository. See the updated OpsChain properties guide for more information.
  • OpsChain now does a Git forced fetch when fetching a project's Git repository. This means tags can be updated in the remote and reflected in the project Git repository.



  • Helper methods available from within actions to store and remove files from project and environment properties. See storing & removing files for more details.


  • OpsChain environments are now locked such that only one change can be run in an environment at a time. Changes will sit in the pending state whilst waiting for the existing change to finish.

  • The OpsChain properties available via are frozen, ensuring users receive an error if they attempt to change them (as only and are persisted)

  • The terraform_config resource type now:

    1. automatically stores the Terraform state file in the environment properties.
    2. automatically calls terraform init in the OpsChain Runner prior to running Terraform commands.
  • The Confluent and Terraform examples now

    • use Terraform v0.14.9.
    • rely on the new automatic features of the opschain-terraform resource.
  • The OpsChain Runner now uses

    • Ruby v2.7.3. Please make any necessary adjustments to your project's Git repositories to reflect this change.
  • Breaking change - the OpsChain files properties format has changed. Any files stored in your properties will need to be altered to reflect the new format.

    Note: The properties-show and properties-set features can be used to download, upload your properties (allowing you to edit your properties locally).


  • Hide internal development tasks from the opschain-utils output.
  • OpsChain Runner showing "Connection refused - connect(2) for /var/run/docker.sock.opschain" after container restart.




  • The sample data provided as part of the Getting Started guide has been simplified.
  • The .opschain/step_context.json file is now optional when running opschain-action or opschain-dev.
  • The terraform_config resource type passes any vars (Terraform input variables) supplied to Terraform via a var file.


  • The Confluent example no longer provides the VarFile class as its functionality has been added to the terraform_config resource type.



  • The opschain-resource-types Gem is now pre-installed in the OpsChain step runner image providing some resource types for the ruby-terraform Gems.

    Please note the prerequisites for the Terraform resource.



  • The Terraform binary has been removed from the OpsChain step runner image for parity with other tools which we support but don't bundle.
  • Terraform support has been removed from the opschain-core Gem (Terraform support is now available via the opschain-resource-types Gem).




  • Upgraded OpsChain log aggregator image Fluentd from version 1.11 to 1.12.1
  • Upgraded OpsChain LDAP image OpenLDAP from version 2.4.50 to 2.4.57
  • Upgraded OpsChain DB image postgres from 13.1 to 13.2
  • Upgraded OpsChain step runner image Terraform from 0.12.29 to 0.14.7.

Please note:

  1. Project Git repositories will need to be updated: