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OpsChain and MintPress

This document covers the relationship between OpsChain and MintPress.

MintPress overview

MintPress is a LimePoint automation tool with a strong foundation in the Oracle ecosphere.

Using the MintPress SDK from OpsChain

OpsChain bundles a subset of the MintPress SDK into the OpsChain runner. The SDK Gems can be used by adding them to your project Gemfile and then requiring them in your actions.rb file. The complete MintPress SDK, including the enterprise Oracle Gems, is available on the OpsChain enterprise runner, available to customers with an existing MintPress licence.


If you require the enterprise Oracle Gems, please contact LimePoint.

Example: using the Mint::Secret class in OpsChain

MintPress provides the Mint::Secret class to hide secret values from accidental leakage into server logs.

The Mint::Secret class is provided by the MintPress mintpress-common Gem, to access it in your OpsChain action, add that Gem to your Gemfile:

# any existing Gems
gem 'mintpress-common'

Below is a simple actions.rb file that uses the MintPress Mint::Secret class. It takes advantage of the Bundler.require shortcut to automatically require all the Gems in the project Gemfile (including the mintpress-common Gem you just added to the Gemfile).

Bundler.require # this will require all the Gems listed in the Gemfile

action :default do
password ='password')
puts password

Running this example locally (in your OpsChain development environment) will print the obfuscated output rather than the secret value:

$ opschain dev
[dev] $ bundle install
[dev] $ opschain-action default

Enterprise controllers for Oracle

The MintPress enterprise controllers for Oracle are available for licenced customers via the OpsChain enterprise runner.


See the OpsChain enterprise runner section of the step runner reference guide to learn how to use to the OpsChain enterprise runner.