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Using secrets in your change

This example describes how to use Kubernetes secrets in your change. After following this guide you should understand:

  • how OpsChain's build secrets configuration can be used to securely pass secrets to your step runner image build
  • how OpsChain's runner secrets configuration can be used to export environment variables in your step
  1. Kubernetes secrets are, by default, stored unencrypted in the Kubernetes cluster's underlying data store (etcd). See the good practices for Kubernetes secrets guide for information on how to encrypt them at rest and further restrict user access to them.
  2. This guide is for use by non-SaaS OpsChain customers only. Let us know if you're interested in using secrets in your SaaS instance.


Example setup

Create a project & environments

Start by creating a project and two environments to use for this example:

opschain project create --code secret --name 'Secret example' -y
export opschain_projectCode=secret # the rest of this guide assumes this environment variable is set
opschain environment create --code dev --name Development -y
opschain environment create --code prod --name Production -y

Add a project Git remote

Add your fork of the OpsChain getting started guide repository as the Git remote for the secret project:

opschain project add-git-remote --name origin \
--user '{username}' \
--password '{personal access token}' \
--url '{username}/opschain-getting-started.git' \
--ssh-key-file '' \

You can use SSH authentication if it's easier for you.

Create a branch for the example

To isolate your changes for this example, create a new branch in your fork of the OpsChain getting started repository:

cd /path/to/fork/of/opschain-getting-started
git checkout -b secret-example origin/developer-guide

Create a project Dockerfile

Use the OpsChain CLI to create a Dockerfile for the project:

OPSCHAIN_LICENCE=/path/to/opschain.lic opschain dev create-dockerfile

In order to see the effect your changes are making to the build environment, edit the .opschain/Dockerfile so the image build will display the current value of all environment variables. We suggest adding it above the RUN for opschain-exec bundle install:

RUN --mount=type=secret,required=true,id=env_context_json,uid=10001,gid=10001,target=/opt/opschain/.opschain/step_context.json \
opschain-exec env

In order to see the effect your changes are making to the step runner environment, edit the actions.rb and add an action to display the current value of all environment variables:

action :show_environment do
sh 'env'

Add the updated files to your branch and push to GitHub:

git add .opschain/Dockerfile actions.rb
git commit -m 'Add secret demo.'
git push --set-upstream origin secret-example

Verify your setup

Verify everything is configured properly by running the new show_environment action:

opschain change create --environment-code dev --action show_environment --git-remote-name origin --git-rev secret-example --follow-logs --confirm

Watch the logs for the RUN command you modified and verify the environment variables available during the build are being displayed in the logs, for example:

#13 [stage-0 5/6] RUN --mount=type=secret,required=true,id=env_context_json,uid=10001,gid=10001,target=/opt/opschain/.opschain/step_context.json     opschain-exec env &     opschain-exec bundle install
#13 1.068 LANG=C.UTF-8
#13 1.068 HISTCONTROL=ignoredups
#13 1.068 HOSTNAME=
#13 1.068 OLDPWD=/usr/local/bin
#13 1.068 GIT_REV=secret-example
#13 1.068 BUNDLE_JOBS=20
#13 1.068 GIT_SHA=d4e74b76bf82f3529ab237e430f997ecfe3e4711
#13 1.068 USER=opschain
#13 1.068 RBENV_SHELL=bash
#13 1.068 PWD=/opt/opschain
#13 1.068 HOME=/opt/opschain
#13 1.068 RBENV_DIR=/usr/local/bin

Continue watching the logs to see the show_environment action outputting the runtime environment variables:

===> Starting step action "show_environment" (dry_run: false) at 2022-12-20T12:20:21.905+11:00

Default build secrets

The key value pairs configured in the opschain-build-env Kubernetes secret are made available as environment variables to all step runner image builds by default. To see this in action, let's add a GitHub personal access token into the opschain-build-env secret. This will allow all the projects created in our OpsChain instance to connect to GitHub (and, for example, download a Gem from a private repository).

  1. Edit the opschain-build-env secret:

    kubectl edit secret -n opschain opschain-build-env # this assumes you are using the default `opschain` Kubernetes namespace for OpsChain
  2. Add the BUNDLE_GITHUB__COM key value pair as stringData into the secret:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
    BUNDLE_GITHUB__COM: ghp_zWISaqpAk1mwCrTZl9SKsNVFDekp4f2wgfvx==

    As we are not actually accessing a secure Gem in this example, there is no need to generate a new access token - you can use the dummy access token in the example YAML above.

  3. Re-run the show_environment action and verify:

    1. The BUNDLE_GITHUB__COM environment variable is available to the image build
    2. The BUNDLE_GITHUB__COM environment variable is not set during the step execution
    3. OpsChain has obfuscated the value in the logs, so it is not visible to anyone with access to the logs:
    opschain change create --environment-code dev --action show_environment --git-remote-name origin --git-rev secret-example --follow-logs --confirm
    #13 [stage-0 5/6] RUN --mount=type=secret,required=true,id=env_context_json,uid=10001,gid=10001,target=/opt/opschain/.opschain/step_context.json     opschain-exec env
    #13 1.068 BUNDLE_GITHUB__COM=****************************************

Default runner secrets

Follow the same process as the default build secrets, but modify the opschain-runner-env Kubernetes secret instead.

Re-run the show_environment action and verify that the obfuscated BUNDLE_GITHUB__COM environment variable is now shown during the step execution.

===> Starting step action "show_environment" (dry_run: false) at 2022-12-20T12:20:21.905+11:00

Project & environment secrets

The secrets used by a change run in a particular project environment can be configured specifically - rather than using the default opschain-build-env and opschain-runner-env secrets.

To see this in action, let's start by adding some project level credentials to our secret project:

Project build secrets

  1. Create a Kubernetes secret containing the project level secrets:

    $ cat << EOF > custom-project-secrets.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
    type: Opaque
    name: custom-project-secrets
    namespace: opschain
    CLOUD_SECRET_KEY: cloud-secret-key
    ARTIFACTORY_USER: project-username
    ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD: project-password
    $ kubectl apply -f custom-project-secrets.yaml

    Alter the namespace if you are using a different namespace for your OpsChain installation.

  2. Update the secret project's opschain properties to include the Kubernetes secret:

    opschain project edit-properties -p secret
    "opschain": {
    "env:build_secrets": ["custom-project-secrets"],
    "env:runner_secrets": ["custom-project-secrets"]
  3. Re-run the hello_world action and verify:

    1. the BUNDLE_GITHUB__COM environment variable from the default secret is no longer available to the step
    2. the CLOUD_SECRET_KEY, ARTIFACTORY_USER and ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD environment variables from the custom-project-secrets secret are available at build time
    3. the CLOUD_SECRET_KEY, ARTIFACTORY_USER and ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD environment variables from the custom-project-secrets secret are available in the runner
    4. the secret values are obfuscated
    opschain change create --environment-code dev --action show_environment --git-remote-name origin --git-rev secret-example --follow-logs --confirm

Environment secrets

Just like properties, OpsChain's secret model allows you to override project level secrets at the environment level. Let's add some developer credentials to our dev environment, so the production credentials are not visible to the development team.

  1. Create a Kubernetes secret containing specific credentials for the development team:

    $ cat << EOF > dev-secrets.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
    type: Opaque
    name: dev-secrets
    namespace: opschain
    ARTIFACTORY_USER: dev-username
    ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD: dev-password
    $ kubectl apply -f dev-secrets.yaml

    Alter the namespace if you are using a different namespace for your OpsChain installation.

  2. Update your dev environment opschain properties to use the new dev-secrets secret:

    opschain environment edit-properties -p secret -e dev
    "opschain": {
    "env:build_secrets": ["dev-secrets"],
    "env:runner_secrets": ["dev-secrets"]
  3. Re-run the show_environment action and note the obfuscated ARTIFACTORY credentials differ to the previous run as they now reflect the dev-secrets values - this can only been seen via the change of length due to the obfuscation:

    opschain change create --environment-code dev --action show_environment --git-remote-name origin --git-rev secret-example --follow-logs --confirm

Including the default secrets

As shown above, adding env:build_secrets or env:runner_secrets to your project or environment opschain properties disables the default secrets from being supplied to the relevant part of the step. If your project or environment requires the default secrets, simply add the relevant secret to your project configuration:

  1. For example, edit the project properties and add the opschain-build-env secret to the env:build_secrets:

    opschain project edit-properties -p secret
    "opschain": {
    "env:build_secrets": ["opschain-build-env", "custom-project-secrets"]
  2. Run the show_environment action and note the BUNDLE_GITHUB__COM, project CLOUD_SECRET_KEY and environment ARTIFACTORY_USER and ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD are all available to the build:

    opschain change create --environment-code dev --action show_environment--git-remote-name origin --git-rev secret-example --follow-logs --confirm
  • the env:build_secrets are only used when building the image. The secrets are not available to OpsChain actions
  • the env:runner_secrets are only used when running the action. The secrets are not available when building the image
  • when a property and a secret both define the same environment variable, the secret value will be used