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OpsChain can be configured to send notifications via a wide variety of channels. Currently, notifications will only be sent when a change has failed.

If you would like OpsChain to provide notification for other change events, please let us know.

Notifications configuration

OpsChain allows notifications to be sent to any endpoint supported by Apprise. This includes common endpoints like Slack, Microsoft Teams, email servers, and many more. To enable notifications, update your project or environment settings to include the failure notification target_url:

opschain project|environment edit-settings

"notifications": {
"failure": {
"target_url": "{{target url}}"

Replace {{target url}} with the notification service URL.


If you have Apprise installed, you can test your notification configuration by running the following command locally:

apprise -vv --title='Test message' "{{target url}}" # e.g. slack://TokenA/TokenB/TokenC/
Credential visibility

Note that any users that have permission to access these settings (i.e. access to this project and environment) can view the credentials stored in the target_url.

The credentials are encrypted at rest, so they will not be viewable by anyone who does not have permission.

We plan to add additional security in this area, please contact us if you are interested in this feature.

Example notification configurations


Slack's incoming webhook URL can be used to receive messages from OpsChain. Complete the following steps to configure OpsChain to send a message to a Slack channel when any change fails:

  1. Create an incoming webhook URL. You can create it in different ways, via a legacy integration, or via a Slack app.
  2. Save the generated URL. The link should be generated in the following format:{{TokenA}}/{{TokenB}}/{{TokenC}}
  3. Setup the target_url to send the notification to the incoming webhook URL
"notifications": {
"failure": {
"target_url": "{{TokenA}}/{{TokenB}}/{{TokenC}}"

Learn more in the Apprise documentation.


If you are using an email service supported natively by Apprise (e.g. Gmail or Yahoo, among others), you can set up your notifications to send to any email address. The following is an example of using your Gmail account to send the notifications to another email address:

  1. Login to the Gmail account - we suggest using a system one (rather than a personal one) for security reasons
  2. Add an app password on the Gmail account to be used to send the notifications
  3. Setup the target_url to send the notification to the target email address
"notifications": {
"failure": {
"target_url": "mailto://{{user}}:{{app_password}}{{}}"
Using a system email account

As described above, these credentials can be viewed by other OpsChain users.

For this reason, we suggest using a system account to send notifications.