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Included resource types

A collection of resource types come pre-installed on the OpsChain step runner image, this guide covers what they are and how to use them.

Resource type summary

The table below outlines the file to require in your resource definition and the resource types that will become available.

RequireResource typeDescription
opschain-kuberneteskubernetes_resourceManage Kubernetes resources via manifests in your project repo
kubernetes_daemonsetPerform common operations on a Kubernetes daemonset resource
kubernetes_deploymentPerform common operations on a Kubernetes deployment resource
kubernetes_statefulsetPerform common operations on a Kubernetes statefulset resource
opschain-ssh-key-pairssh_key_pairGenerate an SSH public/private key pair and optionally stores the key files in OpsChain properties
opschain-terraformterraform_configExposes the RubyTerraform Gem


The resource types are pre-installed in the OpsChain step runner image via the opschain-resource-types Gem. To use them, simply add the following line to your Gemfile in your project Git repository:

gem 'opschain-resource-types'

Then in your actions.rb (or wherever you define your resources) add:

# replace 'opschain-infrastructure' with the relevant value from the "Require" column in the table above
require 'opschain-infrastructure'

# replace transport_factory with the required resource type from the "Resource Type" column in the table above
transport_factory :my_transport_factory do

OpsChain infrastructure

Requiring opschain-infrastructure currently provides a minimal set of resource types for the Confluent OpsChain example project. More support will be added over time.

OpsChain Kubernetes

Requiring opschain-kubernetes provides several resources for working with Kubernetes. These resources wrap the kubectl binary to allow you to perform some common Kubernetes operations.


The kubectl binary must be available in your runner environment and is not included by default. To install kubectl, a custom Dockerfile must be included in your project's .opschain directory.

Below is an example Dockerfile RUN directive for adding kubectl to your runner.

# Run any Dockerfile commands that don't rely on the contents of the Git repository here to avoid rerunning them when the Git repo changes.
RUN curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/kubectl "$(curl -L -s" && \
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl


There are multiple options available to authenticate with the Kubernetes cluster that you want to manage.

In-cluster service account config

By default, the opschain-kubernetes resource will use the opschain-runner service account to manage Kubernetes resources in the same cluster that OpsChain runs. You will need to grant the opschain-runner additional permissions to manage resources in your desired namespace(s) via additional RoleBindings or ClusterRoleBindings. Managing roles & permissions in your cluster is outside the scope of this documentation. Please see the Kubenetes RBAC documentation for more details.

Kubeconfig via OpsChain file properties

If you need to manage Kubernetes resources in another cluster, or don't want to use the opschain-runner service account as your identity, you can provide a custom kubeconfig file that will be read by kubectl. To do this, add a kubeconfig file via OpsChain file properties with the path /opt/opschain/.kube/config. See the OpsChain properties documentation for more information on adding file properties.

To use an alternative kubeconfig path set the KUBECONFIG environment variable via OpsChain properties.

Resource types


The kubernetes_resource type provides a generic type with apply and delete actions for managing any valid Kubernetes resources via manifest files present in your project repository.

kubernetes_resource :nginx do
manifest_path 'k8s/nginx.yaml'
namespace 'myapp'
# provides nginx:apply and nginx:delete actions

kubernetes_daemonset, kubernetes_deployment, kubernetes_statefulset

The kubernetes_daemonset, kubernetes_deployment, and kubernetes_statefulset resource types provide actions for performing restart, scale, and wait operations on the standard 'workload' resources running within a Kubernetes cluster.

All three of these resource types provide the same functionality, but are provided as separately named types to account for how the resources are addressed within Kubernetes.

kubernetes_deployment :nginx do
name 'nginx'
namespace 'myapp'
replicas 1
wait_for_condition 'Available'
# provides nginx:restart, nginx:scale, and nginx:wait actions



The kubernetes_daemonset, kubernetes_deployment, and kubernetes_statefulset types also provide access to a logs method on their controller.

The logs method requires you to pass a tail: <number of lines> argument to specify the number of log lines you would like returned. If you would like to return all log lines for the lifespan of the pod, you can use tail: -1. PLEASE NOTE that if your workload is a particularly noisy logger, this may result in a large amount of logs being buffered into memory, so use this with caution.

kubernetes_deployment :nginx do
name 'nginx'
namespace 'myapp'

desc 'Wait until nginx deployment is available and show logs'
action logs: ['nginx:wait'] do
controller.logs(tail: 100).each do |line| line

By default, logs will return the logs for all containers in a pod, but you can also provide a container: '<container name>' argument to only return logs from a single container from within the pod.

action :logs do
logs = controller.logs(tail: 100, container: 'app')
# do something with logs

OpsChain SSH key pair

Requiring opschain-ssh-key-pair provides the ssh_key_pair resource type.

Resource type properties

The ssh_key_pair resource type accepts the following properties:

PropertyDefault valueDescription
key_path/opt/opschain/.sshThe location to generate the SSH key pair.
Note: the default path is the opschain user's default SSH path.
private_keyid_rsaThe file name of the private key to generate (if a DSA type key is generated, the private key file name will default to id_dsa).
public_keyid_rsa.pubThe file name of the public key to generate (if a DSA type key is generated, the public key file name will default to
typeRSAThe type of key to generate. Valid values are:
bits4096Determines the strength of the key in bits as an integer.
store_in:environmentThe OpsChain properties to store the generated key pair. Valid values are:
- :environment the key pair will be stored in the OpsChain environment properties
- :project the key pair will be stored in the OpsChain project properties
- nil the key pair will not be automatically stored in OpsChain properties (see notes on key storage in the actions section below)
passphraseOptional passphrase to assign to the private key.


The ssh_key_pair resource type provides the following actions:

createCreates an SSH public/private key pair inside the key_path folder with the filenames specified by public_key/private_key and optionally stores the files in OpsChain properties.
Note: If the private_key or public_key exists in the key_path, they will be overwritten.
create_if_missingValidates that the private_key and public_key exists in the key_path. If either is missing, generates a new key pair and optionally stores the key pair in the OpsChain properties.
Notes on key storage

The SSH key pair will be generated inside the OpsChain step runner container. By default the key pair will be stored in the OpsChain environment properties, making them accessible to future changes run in this environment (and subsequent steps in the current change). If you wish to use the key pair in other environments within the project, set the store_in resource property to :project. The key pair will then be stored in the OpsChain project properties and available to all changes run in that project.

If you do not wish to store the key pair in the OpsChain properties, store_in can be set to nil. Please note: If you do not store the generated keys in OpsChain properties, they will cease to exist when the step runner container is removed. For this reason, ensure the step stores the keys (e.g. in Hashicorp Vault, as a Kubernetes secret, on another server, etc.) to allow them to be used in the future.


The OpsChain AWS Ansible, OpsChain Confluent and OpsChain WebLogic example projects all make use of the ssh_key_pair resource type to generate SSH key pairs for their respective target containers.

OpsChain Terraform

Requiring opschain-terraform provides the terraform_config resource type. The resource type will accept any of the RubyTerraform command arguments as properties, but will only pass those supported by the command when the action is invoked.

Please see the RubyTerraform module documentation for further information about the available actions and their parameters.


RubyTerraform supplies vars to Terraform on the command line via multiple -var parameters. OpsChain overrides this logic by placing the input variables in a var file and supplying this to Terraform via the -var-file parameter to avoid encountering any command line length issues.


opschain-terraform does not include the Terraform binary. Customers wishing to use the resource type will need to install Terraform in their project's step runner. This can be done by using a custom step runner Dockerfile. An example of this can be found in the OpsChain Confluent example.

Automatic Terraform initialisation

The terraform_config resource type will automatically execute terraform init in the OpsChain runner prior to running any Terraform action.

Automatic state storage

The terraform_config resource type will automatically store the terraform.tfstate file in the environment properties after running any Terraform action. This ensures that the file is available to subsequent steps in your change.


If the state_out property of Terraform is used, the resource type does not automatically store the file. Please use the store_file! feature (after moving the file to the desired location) to store the file.

Command argument defaults

Default values will be supplied for the following RubyTerraform command arguments:

ArgumentDefault valueDescription
auto_approvetrueIndicates that Terraform should not require interactive approval before applying a plan.
chdirpwdThe root directory of your project Git repository within the OpsChain step runner.
inputfalseIndicates that Terraform should not attempt to prompt for input, and instead expect all necessary values to be provided by either configuration files or the command line.

Resources can override these values if required.

Terraform automation environment variable

The Terraform TF_IN_AUTOMATION environment variable is automatically configured when running terraform_config actions. This will indicate to Terraform that there is some wrapping application executing terraform and cause it to make adjustments to its output to de-emphasize specific commands to run next. For further information see controlling Terraform output in automation.


The OpsChain Terraform example project demonstrates how the OpsChain Terraform resource type can be used.

The OpsChain AWS Ansible example project demonstrates how the OpsChain Infrastructure and OpsChain Terraform resource types can be combined with Ansible to deploy an nginx host on AWS.

The OpsChain Confluent example project demonstrates how the OpsChain Infrastructure and OpsChain Terraform resource types can be used together.